Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 15:11:23 PST From: The Info-Mac Moderators Reply-To: Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #19 To: info-mac-list Info-Mac Digest Thu, 3 Feb 94 Volume 12 : Issue 19 Today's Topics: [*] 1993 Canadian Tax forms [*] 1993 tax form for Quebec [*] CatWalk-1.0.hqx [*] comm/the-news-233.sit.hqx [*] dev/src/mac-starter-c.hqx (new version) [*] FactorHopperV34 [*] gestalt-pro-111.sit.hqx [*] graphic-converter-177.hqx [*] grimoire-10-hc.hqx [*] Jewish Calendar 2.0 [*] Mac & IBM compare-Version 1.9.2 [*] mac-facts-94-02-02.txt [*] mac.ftp.list Version 3.8.2 [*] Mac Attack Upgrade to 1.1 [*] Manitoba tax form for 1993 [*] MikePack Update! [*] mt-pack-101R-ext.hqx [*] New Version SchoolStat 1.0.8 [*] Nova Scotia tax form for 1993 [*] PullProcess20.sit [*] Radius software under /info-mac/cfg? [*] read-time.hqx [*] speech-pack-21.sea.hqx [*] Tax form for Ontario 1993 [*] taylorology-4-to-14.hqx [*] TIFF_a-n.cpt.hqx (TIFF clipart imagess) [*] u-send-me-swingin.hqx [*] violate-10.sit.hqx $MACARCH ? Is is working? 128 Mac - Did you buy one? [R] INIT icons running off the screen Additional Memory kills network printing? adjusting frame speed of QT movie (Q) Amiga disks on a Mac (A) Another Simm question Apple 12" B&W monitor AppleScript support in apps Apple Stupidity (Arinbjorn Bjornsson) Async Appletalk on a Centris 650 (A :-) Autodoubler (R) Autodoubler problems (C) Battery life of a PowerBook Duo 270c (Q) Boot Block Fix??? C650 hard drive problem - help! Canvas Updater (Q) Cheap CD-ROM DeskPict replacement (A) Deskwrite 550 C with postscript Disappearing Icons (R) does Writenow 3.0 a file's Killer? emacs/Textures Energy Star ethernet for Quadra 610 and MacIIcx (A) ethernet for Quadra 610 and MacIIx(R) Experience with Mercury 68030 Accelerator for SE/Plus FDHD replacement for Mac IIfx? First Class and Ethernet Free Managing Your Money 5.0 (1 copy) ftp-mail server Geoport & Sound (Q) Has anyone carked and LCIII's clock? (Q) HD Stiction HELP! Weird PowerBook problem Help locating appl & font HP FTP site for drivers HP printer + 660 = S L O W??? INIT icon running off screen (R) Internet providers 'Mac-aware' in Europe? (q) Interslip and Fetch Investment portfolio analysis & market simulation programs ? IPX and the Mac LCIII floppy problem Looking for text processor... Mac-DEC connectivity MacTCP may be available to you free under a site-license Mac utility for decompressing .ARC files (Q) Mangia! files not found (A) Mapping 3-D geological maps MaxFax and LineLink modem MIME and Macs Mindvirus:Digital Inteactive Magazine Mystery Science Theatre 3000 new Macs anytime soon? (R) New Mice Sticking PowerMac card upgrade vs. real PowerMac computer [Q] Power on/off switches for macs? (A) Puny Floppy Drive Capacity (C) Recycling PowerBook Batteries (R) Request regarding Powerbook DUO Fax SFD Pop-up Menu Doesn't Showing off the Internet on a Mac (C) Showing off the Internet on a Mac (R) SkyWay Shipping Problems SLIP info request Sound balance (Q) Sound Recording Software Speech Macro editor failed StyleWriterII Driver/Chooser7.3/Orig SW Problem Supercard XCMDS System Boot Logger System Software Memory Usage (R2) Ted Howard Question (A?) ThinPack and PowerPlate Timbuktu 5.0 (Q) Upgrading the Macintosh version of Mathcad uploaded files. Using aliases with Appleshare Wanted: Tone dialer wanted Wanted: Wedding clip art What is the current HyperCard version? The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts and Liam Breck. The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous, any password) in the info-mac directory on []. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help. Mail articles for inclusion in the digest to Send binaries to be placed in the archives to Send administrative mail to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 2 Feb 94 9:27:46 EST From: Robert Szarek Subject: [*] 1993 Canadian Tax forms Well, it's that time of the year again. Icicle Computer has released it's 1993 shareware tax templates that can be used with Microsoft Excel version 3 and higher. The forms includes the following schedules and are Revenue Canada approved. T1 general Schedules 1 to 9 Child Car and Capital gains. The shareware fee is $15 for past users. $25 for newcomers. For more information contact: Icicle Computer Box 20093, Rideau East P.O. Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 9N5 (613) 237-4899 [Archived as /info-mac/app/tax-forms-93-ca-excel.hqx; 180K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 94 9:31:35 EST From: Robert Szarek Subject: [*] 1993 tax form for Quebec Canadian tax form for Quebec. 1993 edition. [Archived as /info-mac/app/tax-forms-93-ca-qc-excel.hqx; 168K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 13:44:34 -0800 From: (friedman_hill ernest j) Subject: [*] CatWalk-1.0.hqx "The fast, fun game of skill and fur..." CatWalk is an arcade-style game with a difference. It will appeal to cat lovers, mice haters, spider haters, and to anyone who enjoys running, jumping, and cleaning up after themselves. The action takes place in a house (maybe your house) where evil rats and spiders are threatening to take over. It will take our heroine, Zisa the Devil Cat, a lot of cunning, energy, and work to make the house safe before her owners come home... CatWalk 1.0 will run on any Plus-or-better Macintosh running any system version since 4.1. It will take advantage of many features of higher end Macs, if available. It is supplied as a self-extracting archive. I am the author. CatWalk is shareware; the fee is $10.00. CatWalk may be included on the info-mac CD if the "About CatWalk 1.0" file is included unaltered. Ernest Friedman-Hill Montezuma Software Works 400 Montezuma St., Rio Vista, CA 94571 [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/cat-walk-10.hqx; 116K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 31 Jan 1994 19:59:09 -0500 (EST) From: (William D Cramer) Subject: [*] comm/the-news-233.sit.hqx And now, TheNews ... TheNews V2.33 is a Usenet news reader for the Macintosh. With it, you can read news articles from among the thousands of news groups available, post new and followup articles, and mail followup messages to the article posters. The program requires a link to your news server via MacTCP (Ethernet or LocalTalk), UUCP (using UUPC 3.x and ToadNews), or the CommToolBox (over your modem). The last major release of TheNews was V2.3. That version included the CommToolBox support, subject-threading, and multiple-article saves and appends. This version is primarily a bug-fix release, with a few small enhancements thrown in for good measure: Enhancements * Added an option to flush the input queue (CTB version) * Reposition the "Too many articles" dialog so that it doesn't cover up the "Fetching articles" dialog * Make the ">" followup prefix changeable (via ResEdit) * Don't line-break followup lines (ie, those beginning with ">" * Close the article subject list window a little faster * Added the clipboard to the "Windows" menu. Bugs fixed * Read next/previous/next-unread sometimes caused a problem where the header would change but the article text would not change * Save/Append from the article subject list would never free up the memory used to perform the save/append * "Beeping" on attempts to read past the beginning or end of the article list would confuse the menu bar when the sound was turned off * Read next/previous/next-unread sometimes caused a crash (but not right away:-( * CTB version gave up too quickly when used on a sluggish server * A "read" failure while reading an article message would hang the program forever * Mail/post followup to very short articles would cause crashes on some systems * Posting an article created a "Date:" header line which included a mis-formed time (UUCP version only) * Cutting from the Article Text window occasionally copied text from the wrong pane. * Selecting the clipboard confused selection of other windows. * Using or to select a group or article from an empty list resulted in a crash or confusing error message. If you like the program, please send $25 to: TheNews 1257 Worcester Road, Suite 196 Framingham, MA 01701 USA (Of course, as always, if you have already registered an earlier version, this new version is free.) If you *really* like the program and are interested in getting a site license, have a look at the README document -- you'll like the discount prices, I'm sure. Enjoy, Bill Cramer [Archived as /info-mac/comm/the-news-233.hqx; 321K] ------------------------------ Date: 01 Feb 1994 10:50:28 -0500 (EST) From: David Eck Subject: [*] dev/src/mac-starter-c.hqx (new version) I have heard from several people who had trouble using MacStarter with THINK C 6.0. The problems seem to be caused by stricter type-checking of pointer types in version 6.0. The error messages will go away if you turn off the "Check Pointer Types" option in the options box for THINK C (under the Edit Menu), but there turn out to be a few actual errors (not just type problems) that should be corrected. So, I have updated MacStarter to work with THINK C 6.0, as well as with version 5.0, and corrected known errors. David Eck eck@hws.bitnet February 1, 1994 MacStarter is an application shell for writing quick, small programs in THINK C (5.0 or 6.0). If you are already a Mac programmer, you probably have written your own such shell. However, I am posting this to info-mac because: -- it might be useful for a C programmer who wants to get started writing programs with Mac interfaces without facing the darker parts of Inside Macintosh or the THINK Class library -- it uses a window class to provide the basic functionality of windows (This provides a concrete example of how objects can be used in THINK C. It is also a neat way of localizing the changes you need to make in the shell to produce a working program.) -- I have actually put in the time to write fairly detailed comments explaining how to use the shell [Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/mac-starter-c.hqx; 110K] ------------------------------ Date: 1 Feb 94 23:27:00 PST From: "CHRIS MYERRS" Subject: [*] FactorHopperV34 Dear Sumex-Aim, To be uploaded as: FactorHopper3.4.hqx This file contains an updated v3.4 Factor Hopper game (archived with a readme as a .sea archive), an earlier version of which is currently on sumex. The game is a multiple level brain teaser for practicing multipication and division (factoring). Thank you [Archived as /info-mac/game/factor-hopper-34.hqx; 48K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 18:50:53 +0100 (MET) From: "Rene G.A. Ros" Subject: [*] gestalt-pro-111.sit.hqx 4D Gestalt Pro 1.1.1.ext BUG FIX Freeware. Allows access to the System Software's Gestalt Manager to obtain information about installed software and hardware. Includes additional code to obtain information about 4D and version of modules like 4D Write. Regards, Rene Ros [Archived as /info-mac/dev/a4d/ext/gestalt-pro-111-ext.hqx; 28K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 02 Feb 1994 08:52:31 +0100 From: Subject: [*] graphic-converter-177.hqx GraphicConverter 1.7.7/1 (US) (compressed with CompactPro 1.34) New features: - SGI (Silicon Graphics Image) import - FITS import (all five kinds) - QT movie export for FLI/FLC to QT and PICS to QT conversion - TIFF export in Motorola or Intel file format - JFIF import works now correct on machines with 24 bit addressing mode - improved documentation - bug fixes [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/graphic-converter-177.hqx; 445K] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 11:27:36 +0000 From: Toby Morris / EUCS Subject: [*] grimoire-10-hc.hqx This is a posting of the hypercard file Grimoire 1.0, a cross between a book and a virtual world. It has been compressed with Compact Pro [Archived as /info-mac/game/grimoire-10-hc.hqx; 961K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 22:09:20 +0100 From: Subject: [*] Jewish Calendar 2.0 This is version 2.0 of Frank Yellin's online Jewish Calendar program. Main additions include printing ability, an option to display the Torah portion of the week, and an option to switch between holiday schedules for Israel and the Diaspora (i.e. whether or not to include the extra day in the Galut). Totally free, and only 27K uncompressed! Downloaded from the Jerusalem One server ( This should replace the previous version archived on sumex. Source code available on jerusalem1. Live long and prosper, Jan M.L. Martin --- ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 13:13:42 -0600 From: bruce grubb <72130.3557@CompuServe.COM> Subject: [*] Mac & IBM compare-Version 1.9.2 Archive name: mac-ibm-compare192.txt category: general information, text This is version 1.9.2 of this report & should replace mac-ibm-compare191.txt. Changes: Pentium and PowerPC info updated. Due to the rapid changes in computers I am interested in contributions from Digest and other readers to flesh out, correct, or point out confusing parts in the report. Send comments and information to CompuServe: 72130,3557; AOL: BruceG6069; or Internet: This report compares the Mac and IBM machines CPUs, hardware {monitor support and expansion}, operating systems {includes number crunching}, networking & printing; it covers not only present hardware/software statistics and features but also future possibilities. Despite its condensed and generalized format it still provides some thought- provoking reading on the relative merits, problems, and deficiencies of Macs and IBM PCs. It also contains some FAQ answers about both machines and the upcoming PowerPC line. Note: for proper reading off line this document should be in 9 point Monaco. [Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/mac-ibm-compare-192.txt; 52K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 94 14:22:45 EST From: "J. D. S. (Sterling) Babcock" Subject: [*] mac-facts-94-02-02.txt Dear Readers: Enclosed please find my collection of lists of Apple Macintosh Models. Model List I is my regular list which provides as much information on the configuration of each model that can fit on one line. Model List II is additional information. It contains minimum and maximum system versions, dates of manufacture, suggested retail prices and model of case. Model List III is from Kevin D. Connery. It contains Speedometer 3.11 speed ratings for each model as well as upgraded machines. Please email to any corrections to Model List I or II. Please email to any corrections to Model List III. Sterling [Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/mac-facts-94-02-02.txt; 47K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 13:13:47 -0600 From: bruce grubb <72130.3557@CompuServe.COM> Subject: [*] mac.ftp.list Version 3.8.2 Archive name: mac-ftp-list382.txt category: communication, text This is the latest {Feb 1,1994} version this report and should replace the previous version of mac-ftp-list.txt. Changes: is now; information is changed. moved to the 'These sites have a lot of files, but do not get much new' list. gzip {.z/.gz} format added to table. Added sites:;;; This is a update to Mike Gleason's ftp list {He gave me permision to continue it}. It lists a good number of mac anonymous ftp sites with notes on some and a little blurb on how to use anonymous ftp. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/mac-ftp-list-382.txt; 36K] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 13:50:00 PST From: Bob Andris Subject: [*] Mac Attack Upgrade to 1.1 This updater was sent to me by Bobby King of GameTek. He requested wide dispersal of it. The accompanying note said: Here is the Mac Attack 1.0 to 1.1 update. The new sound manager 3.0 is included for 7.1 users that are having sound problems. The data file should be copied to the Mac Attack folder to give the new level configurations. The updater is a patchworks file that converts the old version of the application to Mac Attack 1.1. The new application has a better ending sequence and can now be turbo charged to increase the speed of loading levels. Bob Andris [Archived as /info-mac/game/com/mac-attack-11-updt.hqx; 361K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 94 9:37:49 EST From: Robert Szarek Subject: [*] Manitoba tax form for 1993 This is the Canadain tax for the province of Manitoba for 1993. [Archived as /info-mac/app/tax-forms-93-ca-mn-excel.hqx; 184K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Jan 1994 15:08:54 -0500 (EST) From: (Mike Jimenez) Subject: [*] MikePack Update! This file contins MikePack 1.65 external package For more information please contact Mike Jimenez at or on Compuserve [Archived as /info-mac/dev/a4d/ext/mikes-pack-165-ext.hqx; 297K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 18:51:30 +0100 (MET) From: "Rene G.A. Ros" Subject: [*] mt-pack-101R-ext.hqx 4D MountPack 1.0.1R.ext BUG FIX Shareware $20. Mounts shared AppleShare volumes from fileservers (with and without user interaction). Also some related functions to unmount or eject volumes and for obtaining information. Regards, Rene Ros [Archived as /info-mac/dev/a4d/ext/mount-pack-101r-ext.hqx; 36K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 16:22:43 -0600 From: David Darby Subject: [*] New Version SchoolStat 1.0.8 SchoolStat 1.0.8 Updates the popular shareware statistics application intended primarily for late school and introductory college level statistics. This update adds the ability to save one's preferences, adds Kruskal Wallis tables and fixes several annoying bugs. THe next release will be an upgrade with more advanced statistical modules. Yours sincerely David Darby (author) [Archived as /info-mac/sci/school-stat-108.hqx; 791K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 94 9:35:09 EST From: Robert Szarek Subject: [*] Nova Scotia tax form for 1993 This is the 1993 tax form for Nova Scotia. [Archived as /info-mac/app/tax-forms-93-ca-ns-excel.hqx; 175K] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 12:50:05 -0600 From: "Paul Lemieux" Subject: [*] PullProcess20.sit PullProcess20.sit Enclosed is PullProcess20.sit, a utility to force a selected process to the foreground at user-specified time intervals. [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/pull-process-20.hqx; 29K] ------------------------------ Date: 5-Jan-1994 15:29:35 -0800 From: warren leggett Subject: [*] Radius software under /info-mac/cfg? I was browsing around you ftp site and found this software posted there This version of software is old and should be removed. We currently have an ftp site at which has the latest version with the appropriate license information. If you have any questions I can be reached via email at of by phone at (408) 954-6663 Thanks for handling this matter, warren. [Archived as /info-mac/info/sft/radius-software-site.txt; 1K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 94 14:40:54 +0100 From: (Karl Pottie) Subject: [*] read-time.hqx ReadTime is a hack which shows you the Total Power On Time of your Mac, i.e. the total time your mac has been on EVER. Older types of Macs don't keep track of the power on time and the Total Power On Time for these macs is zero. Freeware ! Distribution unlimited [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/read-time.hqx; 5K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 18:52:12 +0100 (MET) From: "Rene G.A. Ros" Subject: [*] speech-pack-21.sea.hqx 4D SpeechPack 2.1.ext MINOR UPGRADE Shareware $15 (was freeware!) Minor upgrade to the previous 2.0 version. Allows converting text into phoneme-code and sound files and fixes some bugs and improved code. Needs the Speech Manager extension from Apple. Changes since version 2.0: - Now able to store converted text as (compressed) sound into 'snd '-resource for use with PLAY command or as Finder sound file. - Added more features to existing functions. - New functions: SP Voice code, SP Voice sound, SP Voice reset, SP Voice Type, SP Language, PARLE. - Increased maximum number of open voices/speech channels. - Looks if the speaker volume is set to 2 or higher, otherwise refuses to speak. - Added dictionary ('dict' resource) which is passed to the speech channel when calling SP Open Voice. - A number of bugs fixed and un-intended behaviour changed in the code. One major bug was corrected, you really need to upgrade if you use a previous version. - Improved and corrected the documentation. - Includes a separate external (4D Violate) to read and set the speaker volume. Regards, Rene Ros [Archived as /info-mac/dev/a4d/ext/speech-pack-21-ext.hqx; 164K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 94 9:29:31 EST From: Robert Szarek Subject: [*] Tax form for Ontario 1993 This is the 1993 Canadian form for the province of Ontario. [Archived as /info-mac/app/tax-forms-93-ca-on-excel.hqx; 186K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 07:55:04 -0700 From: (Bruce Long) Subject: [*] taylorology-4-to-14.hqx Subject: Taylorology4-14.hqx Taylorology is newsletter/zine focusing on the life and death of William Desmond Taylor, a top film Paramount film director in early Hollywood who was shot to death on February 1, 1922. His unsolved murder was one of Hollywood's major scandals. Here are issues #4 through #14, in text format, including the following-- The Humor of a Hollywood Murder --full length book with foreword by Kevin Brownlow The Truth about Hollywood -- 1922 investigative report Why Taylor's Servant Thought Mabel Normand was the Killer The Case Against Thomas Dixon Did a Canadian Army Veteran Kill Taylor? Charlotte Shelby's Last Two Interviews (1937) --and much, much more Bruce Long [Archived as /info-mac/per/taylorology-4-to-14.hqx; 466K] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 06:23:36 GMT From: (steve harley) Subject: [*] TIFF_a-n.cpt.hqx (TIFF clipart imagess) writes: >This is first of two files containing a collection of TIFF images. >They are converted from the PC format. The readme file contains the >description of the files by the original contributor. I converted for >myself and thought I share them with the rest of the world. to whomever sumarizes these items for posting to comp.sys.mac.digest: your toil is greatly appreciated, but postings like the above are troublesome. without one word about what is depicted in this clip art, it's impossible to know whether it's something i want. perhaps this is an issue for submitters. in any case, please note that i'm unlikely to download the above due to vagueness. (maybe that's a good thing?) steve harley ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 94 20:18:37 EST From: (David Brooks ('93)) Subject: [*] u-send-me-swingin.hqx U SEND ME SWINGIN' Performed by Mint Condition This is a great startup, shutdown or disk eject sound featuring the latest release by R&B group Mint Condition (called "U Send Me Swingin') -- a great ballad!! This sound is approximately 7.5 seconds long. Enjoy it. You may see other sounds from me. -- David Brooks ( [Archived as /info-mac/snd/u-send-me-swingin.hqx; 108K] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 18:52:41 +0100 (MET) From: "Rene G.A. Ros" Subject: [*] violate-10.sit.hqx 4D Violate 1.0.ext Freeware. Allows you to obtain and change the: - speaker volume, - monitor type and colour depth and - Balloon Help state from within a 4th Dimension data-base. Also included with the Speech Pack 2.1 archive. Regards, Rene Ros [Archived as /info-mac/dev/a4d/ext/violate-10-ext.hqx; 22K] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 94 16:30:30 -0500 From: (Christopher L. Ursich) Subject: $MACARCH ? Is is working? I have noticed that some files "advertised" in IFMD aren't in the archive. I get back the message "File '/info-mac/per/what-ever-the-file-is' is not in these Info-Mac Archives." I get the files from Listserv. Is there just a backlog of files to be saved or is something else going wrong? Thanks, Chris Ursich ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 11:34:16 GMT From: Sak Wathanasin Subject: 128 Mac - Did you buy one? In Info-mac digests vol 12 no 17, Graham Allsopp writes: > Just a casual query: How much did a 128 Mac originally cost ? I remember writing a cheque (or even a check) for US$2300 and something for the "100 day" special package of Mac and ImageWriter. I also remember upgrading to a 512K Mac and wondering how I would use all that memory (:-). Sak Wathanasin Network Analysis Limited 178 Wainbody Ave South, Coventry CV3 6BX, UK ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 20:49:19 -0600 From: Bienvenu Jay Subject: [R] INIT icons running off the screen IUd like to give my 2c on how to solve this problem. I personally use Symbionts. Not only does Symbionts arrange icons into neat rows regardless of whatever display mechanism the extension use, it also can display the name of the extension (below the extension and/or in the menubar) and how much memory it uses. Once all extensions are loaded, Symbionts can display the total memory used. PLUS, the accompanying control panel includes a simple extension manager. (One small problem: the control panel changes the Symbionts INIT to type `scri` so that it will load first. Thsi will prevent Symantec Anti-virus`s control panel from starting up first and thus loading.) -- Jay ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 94 22:58:33 -0500 From: (Christopher L. Ursich) Subject: Additional Memory kills network printing? You remember my problem with programs crashing since I upgraded to 24 megs of RAM? Could the same thing cause me to not be able to print to a network printer? I use the LaserWriter driver, and PrintMonitor tells me that due to a communication error, the file could not be printed. However, if I go to my friend's IIci and mount my hard drive onto his computer and open the documents AppleShare-wise, I have no problems printing. Any comments other than "Yeah, man, you're up a creek."? Thanks again, (I know you're probably sick of me already :) Chris Ursich ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 13:08:33 -0800 (PST) From: John Thoo Subject: adjusting frame speed of QT movie (Q) I can create an animated graph in Maple V Release 2 and save it as a QT movie. The problem is that the animation often plays much too fast for my liking, and MVR2 doesn't provide a means to specify saving the movie at 4 fps, say. Is there any way to set the rate at which a QT movie plays using tools that are commonly available, e.g. ResEdit or MoviePlayer or some such? Thanks. (BTW, Theorist allows one to specify the rate---from 1/2 fps to 8(?) fps---at which a QT movie of an animation should be saved. Very nice.) --John. J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 11:37:29 +0000 From: (Malcolm Bebb) Subject: Amiga disks on a Mac (A) > In Info-Mac Digest V12 #18, Fergus Sullivan (ITL Temp) asks: > >Is there any utility that will allow me to read Amiga floppy disks on a >Mac--or, for that matter on a PC? Failing that, is there any Amiga >utility that will allow them to handle Mac floppies? You can use PC format. There are a choice of Mac applications to read PC disks, including AFE at a pinch. On the Amiga "Cross-DOS" is a good bet. It is available as an extra for Workbench versions prior to 3.0 (commercial, I think) and is built in to Workbench 3. There are others, try an Amiga group for info. Make sure you format double density (DD) not high density - the Amiga probably won't be able to read HD. Since you can get the files on to a Mac, you won't need to get them on to a PC . Malcolm (Usual disclaimers apply) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Feb 94 00:09:49 CST From: Mack Willingham Subject: Another Simm question This may be a gaq, but was not in the my last faq list: Is there a way to look at a 72-pin simm and tell if it is a composite ot non composite simm? Mack ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 94 15:42:13 +0100 From: (Karl Pottie) Subject: Apple 12" B&W monitor At the University Hospitals of Leuven, Belgium, we're having a lot of trouble with the Apple 12" B&W monitors. We have an unusual high number of break-downs. In total we have 97 B&W monitors, 20 of which have failed over the past year. Most of the failed monitors needed a motherboard replacement. The warranty on most of these monitors is running to an end, and repairing a monitor costs almost as much as buying a new one. Apple is denying there is anything substantially wrong with the B&W monitor. Is there anybody out there who also has an unusual number of breakdowns with the Apple 12" B&W monitors ? If so, I'd like to hear from you !! Please e-mail me directly and I will summarise for the net. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 22:26:01 -0600 From: (Pete Chane) Subject: AppleScript support in apps Is there an easy way to tell if an app is supported by AppleScript and to what extent - recordable, scriptable, etc? ResEdit and other methods welcome. Thanks PETER CHANE University of Wisconsin-Madison, Home of the 1994 Rose Bowl Champions. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 94 16:27:01 -0500 From: (Christopher L. Ursich) Subject: Apple Stupidity JEFFREY, more correct you cannot be! *** FLAME ON *** My name is Chris Ursich and I have had more problems with my Duo 230 than anyone has ever had with a Mac to my knowlege. One thing is abundantly clear to me: Although the salespeople and demonstrators who work for Apple are usually pretty knowledgeable, the "SERVICE" people at Apple are S.T.U.P.I.D. --Stupid! I have written a seven-page letter to Apple Computer recently detailing the LEMON I purchased, and the BUNGLING Apple reps on the SOS-APPL line. I will give you ONE example of how ridiculous their service is: When they FINALLY *condescended* to *allow* me to send it in for repair, (as opposed to their usual "Take-out the-battery-and-reset-the-pram) they said they would send a shipment-box to Micro Center where my powerbook was. A couple of days later, I investigated to find that the box was sent to Micro Center's store in Columbus when I live in *Cleveland*. So they dispatched a second box to Micro Center. Again a few days pass--no box. To this day, no one knows where that box is. So they dispatched a *third* box (This is now over a week since I called in the repair, and my powerbook was still sitting at MicroCenter.) That box finally arrived because I gave the Apple rep the address MYSELF. Also, *that* much wouldn't even have been done without my persistent nagging. I had to call Apple *every day* to make sure they weren't screwing up, and every day it was a new story. ** My advice to anyone who calls Apple's tech support. ** 1) Before you call, (or while you're waiting on hold for sixty hours), remove the battery of your powerbook to reset the power manager. Also, try zapping PRAM and/or rebuilding the desktop. This prevents them from saying things like "Oh, just take out your battery for 10 mins and if it doesn't work then, then call back." 2) Explain the problem as YOU see it. Tell them what YOU think the problem is. If you have one single piece of non-Apple hardware or software in your Mac, then it is automatically that pieces' fault that something went wrong. Apple WILL NEVER ADMIT that something that *they* made would ever malfunction. Be prepared for this, and don't let them talk you out of what you know is true, especially if you are a seasoned SOS-APPL caller like myself. 3) ALWAYS take notes while you are on the phone with the rep. Take down his/her name (Make them spell it if you have to.), note the date and time, etc. Write down what the rep says so that you can use it in the letter of complaint you will probably write and also if you have a recurrent problem. You then have EVIDENCE (and that is SOoooo important) that the problem was not solved. Each case of trouble is given a codenumber, called the "reference number." ALWAYS record the reference number and ASK FOR IT if they don't tell you. 4) Be insistent if you must. If they try to give you the run-around, do not hesitate to ask to speak to their supervisor. Have your previous notes with you so that you can reference them. 5) For persistent problems, insist that the rep take note that you want this covered by out-of-warranty repair because the problem keeps returning/never goes away and you don't want to be stuck paying the bills for a problem which should have been fixed long before your warranty ran out. Remember, you made a big investment in your computer and you deserve to have it serviced when it is under warranty. Don't get pushed around. You are the customer and insist upon being treated like one. Have your facts in front of you. In fact, I suggest writing problems on paper as they occur so that you will know exactly the situation. Sometimes they ask you a question like "Well do your system crashes usually occur when you are running such&such?" Well after months of crashes, who can remember? Always write them down. Most importantly, remember that you are responsible for keeping information--it is your most powerful tool. Currently I am awaiting a response to my letter to Apple. I received two phone calls from someone from Apple, but I wasn't at home and they don't try to call me at school. The person said they were calling about my *monitor*. There is nothing wrong with my *monitor*! It's my *PowerBook* that's screwed up! Aye! I am still having problems with my 20-meg memory upgrade including 32-bit addressing, and now PowerBook Duo Enabler 1.0 is crashing my Mac every once in a while. I don't mean to imply that all the people at Apple service are there to trick you or direct you down blind alleys. I am sure that that is not the case. However, in my unfortunate experience, that has been my feeling about many. Remember: When dealing with companies (ESPECIALLY APPLE) it is "Caveat llamador" --caller beware. If all else fails, write a letter and send it all the way up and down the chain of command. Someone will have to respond then. Chris Ursich "I will not equivocate; I will not back down; I will not retreat a single inch, and I WILL BE HEARD." --William Lloyd Garrison, "The Liberator" c1861. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Feb 94 03:02:46 EST From: Subject: (Arinbjorn Bjornsson) Subject: Medical Software I don't know if this company will have everything you want, but they do have an extensive selection of medical software, CD-ROM based and otherwise for Macs, Windows, and DOS. Alpha Media 1245 16th Street, Suite 100 Santa Monica, CA 90404-1239 USA Phone: (800) 832-1000 Call or write for their catalog. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 11:47:33 -0800 From: (Kee Nethery +1 510 843 6140) Subject: Async Appletalk on a Centris 650 (A :-) >I'm wondering if anyone can help me out with a problem I've been having with >Async Appletalk. ... however, when I try to run the program, I get a "Type 1 >error" message and then my computer (Centris 650) revolts and ... Might this >be because I'm using a Centris 650? Does anyone know anything about Async >Appletalk? Wow, someone is still using AsyncAT! Amazing. Yes, I'd say that it might be due to the Centris 650. Your have two possible options. Maybe Dartmouth University has a newer version, maybe not. The other option is to switch to a more up-to-date scheme such as ARAP or SLIP or PPP. It's been years since I've heard that oldie mentioned. Kee Nethery ____________________________________________________________ Kee Nethery, Kagi Engineering, +1 510 843 6140, ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 19:54:03 -0600 From: (Vinko Tsui (312) 329-3455) Subject: Autodoubler (R) ABRODY@VAX.CLARKU.EDU writes: >I know I have asked about compression programs before. I just wondered if >there is any reason to buy DiskDoubler or CopyDoubler if I am buying >Autodoubler? >Is the compression rate any higher with DiskDoubler or CopyDoubler? >Do I save more disk space than with Autodoubler alone? > Let first explain the difference between the three product you mentioned from Fith Generation (Symantec). DiskDoubler is a file compression utility similar to Compact Pro and StuffIt. It is not intended to be a background compression utility that runs all the time looking for files and application to compress. That's what AutoDoubler is for. When you buy AutoDoubler you will get an old copy of CopyDoubler. You can then have the option to upgrade to the newer stand alone version. I find that CopuDoubler one of the best utility I've ever used. Its purpose is to speed up the copying (almost doubles) and trashing (feels like triples) of files. After using CopyDoubler, I don't think I can live without it any more. So with the purpose of these utilities outlined above, you can see that the answers to your questions are relative. It all depends on whether you already use a file compression utility to compress files for archiving and/or transmitting. If you do then don't bother getting DiskDoubler. >Are DiskDoubler's and CopyDoubler's space still more than a MB on the hard >drive after compression? > I don't understand you question. >BTW other than MS Word, what other bugs has anyone encountered using the above >products? >Is there anything faster than Autodoubler that still works in the background >and is non-driver level compression? >I have a Mac LC with 10 MB or RAM and a 40 MB hard disk if that makes any >difference in the above answers. The one other applicaiton that I know of which don't like AutoDoubler or any other similar type utility is Jasik Design's "The Debugger" and Control Panel "ClickChange". I hope this helps! -- Vinko Vinko Enterprises, Oakville, Ontario, Canada, ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 01 Feb 94 19:02:20 EST From: "Allan M. Bloom" Subject: Autodoubler problems (C) >Help!!! I have Auto-doubler by Fifth Generation (Symantec?) which works >reasonably well on my PLI Infinity 40 Turbo drive. However, it doesn't >want to compress files on my IIfx hard drive. I assumed it was in Init >conflict so I turned most of them off with Extension Manager. Still, no >stuffing. As a last resort I called the 800 number and I got a large >"I dunno!" They suggested downloading the latest version 2.03, though >it had no improvement. I have 897 files (packrats unite) waiting to be >compressed. Vinko is right. Not quite enough information. I doubt you got "a large I dunno" from those folks. I've never known them to be that useless for questions that were even reasonably well posed. No offense. That said, the last AutoDoubler bug I know about arose on a IIfx. A friend of ours had a file that caused AD to go plunk and turn itself off. It'd scan a disk and happily scrunch files until it ran across that one, then bang. The AD control panel afterwards showed that drive unchecked. As in "I ain't touching that sucker." It wasn't a IIfx problem. AD did the same thing when I put the file on my IIci and installed AD for the sole purpose of seeing what'd happen (Our copy of AD is on Leslye's machine. I don't have any use for it). We sent the file on floppy to Salient, and it resulted in what I call the Joyce Johnstone Memorial version of AD a week later. It was a particularly subtle bug, and the folk at Salient needed that particular file to get a symptom with which to work. The finest computer jocks in the world can't do beans to fix a problem if they can't see it. And the worst wouldn't recognize a problem if it stepped up and introduced itself. The AD folk (Symantec, nee Salient) are in my opinion among the best. If you go the extra yard and nail down the problem, they'll go the extra mile and find a solution. Fast. If you're not wild about helping the helpers, do what my wife does with her Triumph TR/7. She takes it to our mad Hungarian mechanic who speaks her language. Is broke. When'll it be ready? When is fix. Just put your computer in a box, send it to Symantec, and tell them "Is broke. Send it back when is fix." Al Bloom, Virginia Tech ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 08:36:38 -0500 From: (Steve Davidson) Subject: Battery life of a PowerBook Duo 270c (Q) Next week, I will be buying a Duo (but not a Dock). It will either be a 250 or a 270c. The 270c has a math coprocessor (FPU) that the 250 lacks (and I need). However, reduced battery life of the 270c may make it impractical for me. Apple claims "2 to 4 hours on a single charge" (vs. "2.5 to 6 hours" for the 250). My question to the net: "What battery life do real people doing real work get with the Duo 270c?" My purchasing decision hinges on your reply. Thank you. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 02 Feb 1994 15:09:07 EST From: Subject: Boot Block Fix??? Hello out there, Anyone know of shareware or freeware that will correct my boot block problem. I am unable to rebuild the desktop on my classic...I get an error message & Bomb ...."Address error" ............................................ Public Utilities (Demo) says "An error was found on the boot blocks. The boot blocks on this disk are unrecognizable. You will not be able to startup from this disk. Do you want to Fix this?" I Select "Fix" It says "Can't Fix" (sounds like a conversation with my mother in law) And yes...I... CAN... boot up from this disk. ............................................. Norton Utilities says Boot blocks OK. ............................................. Any ideas....Thanks Mark Smith FSMITHM@CERAMICS ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Feb 1994 10:31:24 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: C650 hard drive problem - help! I've been having a problem with my 650's hard drive lately and can't figure out what is going on. First off, my set up is: Centris 650 8/80, 1 meg VRAM, Tsunami 240 meg external hard drive, Apple CD 300 CD-ROM drive. Problem: My internal 80 meg hard drive will sometimes just stop spinning. I've restarted with inits off (holding shift key), reformatted the drive, and reinstalled the system software. Nothing seems to work. Here is an example of what happens. Last night, after doing all of the above, I decide to defragment the internal drive. Everything was going merrily along, then all of a sudden, the drive just stops. No warning, no nothing. My system folder is on this disk, so it has the effect of freezing the Mac and I have to hit the reset button to get things back, at which time the drive works fine (for a while). I am about ready to take this thing into the repair shop, but wanted to see if anyone has had this sort of problem before I do. Any input would be appreciated. Butch Weber From: WEBER MARLIN (MCDEV1::QC03525) To: VMS MAIL ADDRESSEE (IN::"INFO-MAC@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU") cc: WEBER MARLIN (INDYVM1::QC03525) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 08:54:21 +0800 (WST) From: Tony Barr Subject: Canvas Updater (Q) Hello All I've got hold of the Canvas Updater 3.5.1 and I am trying to update my copy of Canvas 3.5. Are there any instructions on how to do it. I've updated my old version and a newly installed version and each time, Canvas goes through the startup process and then hangs (& screech-beeps) at the end of this process. Is the Updater meant to work on the master disks? Has anyone managed to update canvas using the Updater? I have a Centris 660AV using System Enabler (088) 1.1 and system 7.1. Thanks for any help Tony ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Feb 1994 10:19:37 -0800 (PST) From: Brian Veenker Subject: Cheap CD-ROM I've been thinking about buying one of those older single-speed CD-ROM drives. I know they're slow, but are there any incompatibilities? Do any programs *REQUIRE* a double-speed drive? What effect will having a slow drive have on animation, etc.? What about those CD-ROM caching programs I see around? Brian Veenker ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 01 Feb 94 19:26:50 EST From: "Allan M. Bloom" Subject: DeskPict replacement (A) DeskPict has gone commercial. I forget which utility package it is now a part of. Oh right. Some University of Virginia yuppie is going to tell me not to end a sentence with a preposition. OK. I forget which utility package it is now part of, a--hole. But I digress. For a freeware equivalent to DeskPict that is marvelously stable under System 7 and the new machines, nothing beats the "ZMac Exclusive" (It may not be posted, but it may be shared) BackSplash. IMHO. When it came out last year, I freely shared it with individuals who asked for a copy. I renew my offer for those of you who missed last year's. Al Bloom, Virginia Tech ------------------------------ Date: 01 Feb 1994 17:38:09 -0500 (CDT) From: (Prof. Dwight K. Lemke) Subject: Deskwrite 550 C with postscript said: >The HP deskwriter 550 C can be had with postscript for ~$1000 I saw an add in last week's NY Times fro JR's Music World for the printer AND postscript package for $500. |>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| Dwight K. Lemke |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<| University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 19:22:39 -0600 From: (Vinko Tsui (312) 329-3455) Subject: Disappearing Icons (R) TIA, >...I came back to it, and the mac was shut down. I restarted >it, and all icons were generic including the documents. I no >longer am able to double click the document. I've done everything >I could do get the icons back. I zapped the ram, deleted the >desktop installed new system software. Nothing. Finally. I >deleted my entire hard drive. All the icons worked. Just as I >finished up. I used Techtool to delete my desktop file, and then > Why are you using "Techtool" to delete the desktop file? The Desktop file contains the mapping of file types and their icons. >I used filetyper to set a namelock on my hard drive. I used a >defragmentation programme to clean up my hard drive. I rebooted - >everything went well, the desktop was rebuilding but the icons >disappeared again. I'm doing something wrong. It's not the >desktop file although I know for sure that it's not being rebuild >properly. I am not sure if it is the finder, I've tried >reinstalling system software. Oh, there's one thing I forgot to >mention. When I rebuild my desktop with system 6, commandxo, the >icons come back. But as soon as I go back to system 7 either with >disk tools or my hd, the icons disappear again. There's something >wrong. I'm either doing something wrong or there's a bug in >system 7. > Do you have copies of all the applications which created the files on your hard disk? If so after you have executed each of the respective application the corresponding icons should reappear. If you do not have the application on your drive then the icons will never come back. BTW: there are only a few situations where you have to Zap the PRAM, doing so will cause you to have to reset the desktop pattern, location of your Mac, sound level, mouse settings, etc. I hope this helps! -- Vinko Vinko Enterprises, Oakville, Ontario, Canada, ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Feb 1994 9:02:39 UTC+0100 From: "Pedro J. Martinez Ovejas" Subject: does Writenow 3.0 a file's Killer? Hey, greetings from Spain Recently I have had some bad experiencies with Writenow 3.0. Through last weeks some documents (1 chapter of a thesis, 2 articles, 1 curriculum, etc) of this application were impossible to open. The reasons were one time "an unexpected error occ......" (typically) othe than the file was corrupted and other the application "was obsolete for this file". Anyway we loose everyone. Have you had some similar experiency? do you know some repairing procedure? PS: all of this happened in different Macs, and neither reinstalling nor NOrton tools, Mactools, XXXXtools were able to repair the files. Thanks in advance Pedro ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 09:24:57 -0500 From: Subject: emacs/Textures Does anyone know how to set the new Mac version of emacs as the default editor in BlueSky's Textures? I tried searching the documentation, but got nowhere. Thanks for any help. Please email me directly. Susan J. Luckel Computer Systems Consultant Brown University Division of Biology and Medicine Box G-A317 Providence, RI 02912 (401) 863-3293 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 17:09:25 -0500 From: (Daniel C. Clark) Subject: Energy Star Netfolk, Many thanks to all of you who replied to my post concerning the differences between a Quadra 605 and an LC 475. They are, in fact, nearly identical, and last week we took delivery of a brand new baby LC 475 with the Apple Color plus 14" monitor. So far it has been a wonderful machine, zipping along at a speed that makes my IIci at work seem pokey. However, I have a question about its Energy Star rating. I remember some discussion a while back about technically what this does, i.e. slows the processor down after periods of inactivity, etc, but since no mention is made of it in the manual, what's this mean in practice, besides making us buzzword-compliant? I'd love to set it up so that it could be left on most all the time and when my spouse or daughter wanted to use it they could just hit a key and be back where they left off. I had a copy of the monitor energy saver, but the installer wouldn't even let me put it on (I know, it can be forced). Any suggestions would be welcomed, in addition to an explanation of what the energy star specs are. Thanks, Dan Clark - Naval Research Lab, Code 8211, Wash DC 202-767-6414 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 01 Feb 94 20:34:43 EST From: "Allan M. Bloom" Subject: ethernet for Quadra 610 and MacIIcx (A) On Tue, 1 Feb, Li-Hsiang Tu wrote >I want to connect a MacIIx to a Quadra 610 using ethernet. Any comment >or advice on what ethernet card that I should buy for the MacIIx? Do I >need an adapter for Quadra 610 to connect the wire? What kind of wire >should I buy? Last year I was looking for a similar solution for our home netlet. Jon Pugh pointed me to "thin" ethernet. Unlike 10baseT, you don't need to buy a hub. I don't know anyone who has tried Farallon's hubless 10baseT toy, so I can't comment on it. You do have to buy a nubus card for the IIx. A lot of vendors provide cards that are plug compatible with Apple's, so go on price. I got the Focus cards. Some of y'all may recall the thread of last year when I irrigated on Focus, and Focus yelled "Foul," and I proved their installation disk sucked toads because some yummie renamed it and "install" was looking for a disk with another name. But that is another matter. With that exception, Focus is pretty good. I've dealt with them since to good advantage. I'm digressing again, aren't I? OK, you have a nubus card in the IIx. You also need a T-connector and a terminator. You might think you could just plug the coax wire into the card. I just tried that. Killed my network. Nope. Put the base of the T into the card, put the terminator on one arm of the T, and put the cable into the other arm. No, I've no idea. On the Quadra side, you need a transceiver to convert from the utterly non-standard AAUI (Friendlynet) connector to anything. If you get one that is not self-terminating (Focus is the only outfit I know that sells self-terminating transceivers), you need another terminator. Put the terminator on one side of the transceiver's "T" and connect the other side to the coax cable. Did you get that? One nubus card, one T-connector, two terminators, one AAUI transceiver, and one coax cable of suitable length. $250 or so. If you're interested, I can maybe save you a few bucks. Our ethernetlet originally included Leslye's goosed Mac II, which is ready to go out the door since arrival of her Q650. Focus 64K nubus card and a bit of wire and connectors are on the block. We could maybe make a deal. No. I don't have any spare transceivers. Al Bloom, Virginia Tech ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 16:24:02 -0500 From: (Ron Beloin) Subject: ethernet for Quadra 610 and MacIIx(R) In article <9402011832.AA10636@CAMIS.Stanford.EDU> (Li-Hsiang Tu) writes > Subject: ethernet for Quadra 610 and MacIIx(Q) > > I want to connect a MacIIx to a Quadra 610 using ethernet. Any comment or > advise on what ethernet card that I should buy for the MacIIx? Do I need > an adapter for Quadra 610 to connect the wire? What kind of wire should I > buy? If these are the only machines on the network, i.e., a network of two, then there are two basic approaches. Either way, you need a nubus ethernet card and a transceiver and some cable (total cost roughly $300). 1) use coax cable ('thin net wiring'). The nubus card and the transceiver must have thinnet connectors. You'll need coax cable and (I think) two T-connectors and two terminators. Lots of companies, Asante for example, sell these parts. 2) use the new daisy-chainable 10-base-T (UTP, or unsheilded twisted pair) cards and transceivers, which are self terminating. We have been happy with Farallon's Etherwave products. If the machines are close to each other, the cable supplied by Farallon will be all you need. Option 2 may cost a bit more, but is a simpler setup. If you have a long cable run, you may need the coax. I don't know the distance limitations of these options. Either way, your network is expandable. Ron Beloin ( Boyce Thompson Inst. for Plant Research Ithaca, NY 14853 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 02 Feb 94 02:13:45 EST From: pheonix@MIT.EDU Subject: Experience with Mercury 68030 Accelerator for SE/Plus Hello, I was wondeirng if any info-mac reader have had experience with this accelerator, being advertised in MacWeek (Jan 24, 94, p.64) If it does even half of what the ad claims, the $99 price would be a bargain. Thanks in advance. Bilal A. Bhutta --- ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 13:52:28 -0600 (CST) From: (Rick Russell) Subject: FDHD replacement for Mac IIfx? My Mac IIfx's floppy drive has just given up the ghost, completely. I don't think it's dust, or contamination, or anything easy to fix, and it's beginning to look like replacement is the only real option. So my question is: what are my replacement options? I checked the local academic computer store, and their base replacement cost is $239 + $30 installation fee. $269 + local sales tax seems like a lot to spend for a little old disk drive. Careful examination of MacUser suggests that there are a few more options. There's an Applied Engineering 1.44Meg drive for ~$200, but as far as I can tell that's only an external device. Of course, the IIfx has no external FD port. Various sources advertise used, refurbished and warranted replacements for as low as $225. Any opinions? There's obviously the option for floptical upgrade for ~$400. Anyone have anything to add, or any experiences they would like to relate? Prices, names and numbers would be helpful. If I get some good replies, I certainly will compile them into a summary posting for the net, possibly for submission to info-mac. Thanks! Rick Russell ** ** Cobalt on IRC ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 94 20:24:13 PST From: (Gary Noack) Subject: First Class and Ethernet Hi all, I sent the following message to the Mac-Managers Mail list in search of some assistance. Although I received several replies, I need to hear from people who have experience using some of these products! >I am running a First Class Server on my Ethernet network and have >the need to make more incoming lines available for remote >connections. Unfortunately, the SE/30 that is acting as the server >(And no, there is no Nubus alternative for the Server) has only the >one useable serial port and this is already in use! > >Can anyone offer constructive comments on any of the following >possible solutions: > >1. Use of the serial ports of other machines on the network - I >imagine that this is a software only solution. > >2. Some sort of multiple serial port solution that can be used with >an SE/30. > >3. Network modems - Must be 10base2 (Thin coax) Ethernet compatible. > >4. Some sort of Network Serial server device - Must be 10base2 >(Thin coax) Ethernet compatible. > >5. A solution that makes the printer port available for another >modem even though AppleTalk is on. > >Of particular interest is cost, compatability with Systm 7.x, >compatability with 040 based machines, and a pointer on where to >contact someone who can sell me this thing! (They're not so flash >on range down here in Aust!) Options 1 and 2 are most prefered! (But any help will be of great assistance so don't hold back!) I'll summarise if I get some worthwhile answers - by any means! Thanks in advance, Gary Noack ( ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 02 Feb 94 13:56:17 EST From: Subject: Free Managing Your Money 5.0 (1 copy) Is anyone interested in a FREE copy of Managing Your Money 5.0? I have a copy that I bought as part of a bundle with TaxCut last year and I never use it. If you are interested, just send me an email message (include your name and snail-mail address). I will decide who to send it to based on either 1) first-come-first-served OR 2) the best story of why you want it. The package includes the original box, disk, and all documentation. Sorry, but I won't be responding to everyone who emails me, only the person I will be sending it to. Tom Burris ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 94 19:03 CDT From: (Eduardo Millar) Subject: ftp-mail server Do you have ftp-mail server? If so that, could you send me information about thit?.. Eduardo Millar C. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 02 Feb 94 11:58:19 EST From: Denis Gauthier <> Subject: Geoport & Sound (Q) Hi info-mac readers I have a centris 660AV and a Geoport WHY , if i use the geoport , I cannot use the sound input device (example : speech recognition in the same time that communicating with ARA ?) Is there a hardware imcompatibility or it's software design ?? Please open my light Denis Gauthier ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 23:12:19 +0500 From: (2d Lt Avram Dorfman) Subject: Has anyone carked and LCIII's clock? (Q) Please respond directly, will post summary: For those of you who missed it, there is an extensive article in MacWorld about changing the clock chip in your Mac to make it faster. The general conclusion was that if you are careful, there is no risk to your computer, as long as you can put the original speed clock back in, as a last resort (oh, and the small fact that your warranty will mean as much as the Geneva Convention if you try). This is not my opinion - I got it straight from the article. The biggest risk is that of your time because it might not work (or not work well). My question is: Has anyone tried this trick with an LC III? Does anyone know of any reason why it isn't possible? Does anyone even know where the LC III's clock is? I couldn't find anything in mine that resembled the clock chips shown in the article. Thanks, -Avram Dorfman ( ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 94 13:55 EST From: (Pat Guide) Subject: HD Stiction Someone Please Help, I've got an Ehman Hard Drive that has had a stiction problem for some time. Could someone please tell me how to do it myself rather than sending it in. Thank you. Patrick Guide Research Specialist Center for Aviation/Aerospace Research (CAAR) Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Daytona Beach, FL 32114-3900 (904) 226-7104 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 16:33:51 +0100 From: Subject: HELP! Weird PowerBook problem Dear fellow netters, since a few weeks my faithful PowerBook 170 has the following behavior. When I turn it on or wake it up, about half the time the screem image is fluttering all over the place. I give the machine a good shake, and lo! Everything is peachy. (Sounds like some connector or cable is hanging loose or has a bad joint?) A behavior that seems to be related: occasionally the hard drive, asleep or awake, gives a short clank like when spinning up and... the Mac freezes. Both problems occur regardless of any INITs being loaded. Hardware configuration? PB170 with 8 MB RAM, Global Village PowerPort Silver, and 160 MB Quantum GoDrive. Anybody ever run into similar tzuris? MTIA for any comments! Jan M.L.Martin, Ph.D. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Feb 1994 10:31:58 EST From: Subject: Help locating appl & font Hello, I am usually a lurker and rarely ask for your help. So please indulge me with 2 mundane questions if you will. 1) Are their any other fonts beside Monaco & Courier that will retain original text formatting after downloading and conversion to a Word Processing Doc.? (any on sumex?) 2) Is there any sumex share/freeware that will replace the "Find File" DA on System 6.0.8? Find Pro III works great on my Sys. 7 box at work, but I would like to locate an enhanced File Finder for my Classic on Sys 6. Thanks friends for any assistance you can give. Please feel free to email a reply. Thanks Again. MARK SMITH - INTERNET Fsmithm@Ceramics - BITNET ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Feb 1994 16:03:59 -0600 From: (Eric Hoffmann) Subject: HP FTP site for drivers I just saw this small announcement in comp.sys.mac.hardware and thought that it deserved wider distribution. "Hewlett-Packard is now (as of 2-1-94) offering an official anonymous ftp site that contains the latest drivers and information for HP printers and scanners. It's located at: *or* (" --- This is welcome news! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 94 15:16:42 PDT From: Nelson Byrne Subject: HP printer + 660 = S L O W??? IUm having trouble with my HP DW 550C; perhaps someone out there will know what to do. I recently upgraded my C610 to a 660AV and since then the printer misbehaves if VM is on. IUve spent hours on the phone with HP tech support - they claim there is no problem because itUs not in their database (RYouUre the only one who reports thisS) and suggest I call Apple. Hmmm. HereUs where itUs at: with VM enabled the printer makes a few passes over the paper (many fewer than a full bufferload), then abandons the effort, goes to the right corner and blows its nose, shivers a little, waits, then repeats. It takes hours to print a page. With the 610, VM was no problem. With the 660, VM makes the printer unusable. Why? Please help if you can. Thanks in advance. >>>>> Nelson Byrne SAIC LOC#001/MS#C2 10260 Campus Point Drive Sandy Eggo, CA 92121 >>>>>(619) 546-6485 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 19:33:09 -0600 From: (Vinko Tsui (312) 329-3455) Subject: INIT icon running off screen (R) Jim, >I have so many extensions, etc. that the icons form two rows >across the bottom of the screen. The problem is that the bottom >row icons run right off the screen before continuing on the top >row. What is causing this? And, how can I fix it? You are correct to assume that this is not normal. Do you know which Init (Extension) was loading that display its icon off screen? Do you know how many icons were display off the screen? How do you know that icons are displayed off the screen? Is half an icon showing? Are you using any sort of utility that will show Extension icons that are normally invisible? Are you using any utility that forces Extension icons to be displayed in a row formation? As you can see there are some questions that need answered before I can even attempt to help. Hopefully the questions will spark some ideas for you. Let me know if I can be of help! -- Vinko Vinko Enterprises, Oakville, Ontario, Canada, ------------------------------ Date: 2 Feb 1994 01:56:28 -0800 From: (Paolo Pizzi) Subject: Internet providers 'Mac-aware' in Europe? (q) >Are there any Internet providers (that is: entities selling use >of their computers to access Internet services) here in Italy or at >least in Europe, that are Mac-aware so to give the users software and >assistance to get the Mac interface working while connecting to Internet? >In alternative: are there at least plain Internet providers (entities >that sell access to Internet services without a special eye onto Mac >users) here in Europe, and particularly in Italy? >Many thanks; and more, if you CC: your answer directly to me >Maurizio. >Maurizio Lana - CISI - Universita` di Torino - Italia >e-mail I don't know about providers in Europe, but all the software you need, included MacTCP v.2.02 (available from Apple at $59.95), for a SLIP/Mac TCP connection comes with a great book entitled "Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh" by A.Engst (published by Hayden books.) Here in the US the price is $29.95 and it's available everywhere. I don't know if you can find it in Europe but you might as well get someone buy it for you here and send it over. Ciao. P. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 23:23:27 -0500 From: "James R. Chard" Subject: Interslip and Fetch I have version 1.0fc3 of Interslip and version 2.1.1 of Fetch. Both seem to be giving me problems on my Mac. Fetch freezes and locks up the Mac. Interslip connects to my service provider but doesn't seem to be "aware" of it and highlights the Connect button again. Any help would be appreciated Jim Chard ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 20:30:27 -0600 From: (Juan M. Courcoul) Subject: Investment portfolio analysis & market simulation programs ? One of our professors is currently teaching his students the intricacies of the stock market and would like to be able to simulate the stock market in order to analyze different investment portfolios' behavior and returns. Is there any program available to do this, preferably PD or Shareware ? Thanks in advance for your suggestions. Juan --- Juan M. Courcoul Net: Tech. Supp. / Queretaro Campus Monterrey Institute of Technology Voice/Fax: +52 (42) 17-37-66 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 07:57:43 +0100 From: (Lars Bertelsen) Subject: IPX and the Mac IPX for the Mac seems to be a fact now. Novell has released a developers kit for people wanting to do programs that use the IPX protocol directly. This of course should allow a Mac to participate in a Novell network on equal terms with DOS-PC's. Today you have to set up the server particularly for the Macs. This scheme is restricticng the access of the Macs and there is a definite speed difference too. Now, would anybody out there know of any ongoing work, or maybe be inspired to start something? What I personally dream of is a plug-in module like the EtherTAlk extensions that would allow a Mac user to enter the Network cdev, choose IPX and then, usig the chooser and either ApplseShare (that would be elegant!) or a workalike, getting in direct contact with the Novell servers on the net. Possible? Lars Bertelsen Lars Bertelsen Gartnervang 29 Roskilde, DK ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 11:23:29 CET From: Carlo Viviani Subject: LCIII floppy problem Hi netters, I have a BIG problem: I got an LCIII 8/160 FPU, and the floppy drive seems not to work anymore! When I insert a floppy, it asks to format it, then initialization fails and the floppy remains in, without showing its icon on the Desktop. I tried almost anything, also ran MacCheck, without results! (already zapped the PRAM, ran Norton Utils, Disk First Aid, no results)... Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!! Carlo Viviani PS Answer to my mailbox, please, as I don't read digests regularly! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 18:48:19 -0500 From: (Matt X. Herbison) Subject: Looking for text processor... Hi. I am in need of a program that can open (or just look inside of) short text documents in order to find a word. When it finds that word, it has to alert me with a sound. If it doesn't find the word, nothing happens. I know this is a pretty specific request, but if anyone has any info, please email me. Thanks. -Matt X. Herbison -Penn State University -Apple Student Representative ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Feb 1994 10:01:45 UTC+0100 From: "Pedro J. Martinez Ovejas" Subject: Mac-DEC connectivity hello. We have a VAXSTATION 4000 model 60 with a b/w VR319 monitor (19 inches). We use it in order to make some calculations related with physics problems. In fact we usually work with it from our macs or PC through some emulation app. So the monitor of the station is turn off most of time. We would like to connect the monitor (19 inches) to some of our PC or Macs, in order to do it we collect the Centris/quadra 800 video report from DALE ADAMS (designer of the video hardware of those ma cs machines) but we do not know if it is possible. In principle I have a Mac LC 10Mb RAM/512 K VRAM on my desk and I would like to connect with the 19 inches monitor. Do you know if the monitor is NTSC or PAL or SECAM or whatever? It is possible to connect them. We also have some PC 486 machines and maybe the solution should be to know how to connect the big monitor with an VGA equipment (because the LC has this capability). Please, any help will be wellcome. If there are enough answers I will summarize to the net. Pedro PS: I am completely sure that Dale Adams will know the answer, but I dont Know his e-mail address Thank in advance ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 02 Feb 94 21:34:28 PST From: Paul Brians Subject: MacTCP may be available to you free under a site-license It is not strictly true that the only way to get MacTCP is by purchasing it, whether separately or bundled. If you are lucky enough to belong to an organization (like a university) which has a site-license, you may qualify for a copy for your Mac (so long as it's part of the organization and not your personal at-home computer). Ask the appropriate administrator at your institution. Our university has a site license, but far from everybody knows about it. It would be a shame to fork over cash for something that's already been paid for. There may be no such thing as a free lunch, but you can often find somebody willing to treat. Paul Brians, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-5020 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 02 Feb 94 17:39:04 -0500 From: Paul Schwarz Subject: Mac utility for decompressing .ARC files (Q) Folks, Is there a Macintosh utility out there for decompressing .ARC files? Thanks. -Paul Schwarz ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 94 16:08:44 EST From: Byron C Mayes Subject: Mangia! files not found (A) Wendy Farkas asked about the location of some Mangia! recipe files in Info-Mac Digest 12/12. Wendy: The Mangia! files you seek were recently moved into the /info-mac/nms directory. Also, they no longer begin with "mangia-" as they used to, but end with "-mangia.hqx" so they don't sort together when you issue a dir command. Look for them beginning with "harveys-", "bacardi-", and "irish-mist-". Moderator: I have a couple more of these forthcoming. It might be helpful if the files were all given names that begin with "mangia-" rather than ending with same so that they can all sort together. This would help users locate them more easily and would be in keeping with the info-mac "standard" for similar products (e.g., Pyro! modules all begin with "pyro-" and BBEdit extensions all begin with "bbedit-"). It might also be helpful if the recipe files were in the same place as the Mangia! demo, but this is less important than having them all in the same place together. Byron C. Mayes University of Delaware [I've forwarded this to the archivist to see what he sais. If you are accessing ftp from a line interface you can issue the command ls *mangia* and that will list all files containing the string mangia. -Gordon] ------------------------------ Date: 03 Feb 1994 13:28:01 -0400 (EDT) From: ABROWN@CENTER.COLGATE.EDU Subject: Mapping 3-D geological maps Does anyone know of a product which would be good for the following project? A geologist has 120 core samples ranging from 5 meters to 100 meters in depth. He also has the seismic data which fills in the gaps between cores. What he wants to do is layout all of the data in a spreadsheet-like manner, and from that create three dimensional maps of the land. It would be great if he could do it for any range of depth so that the top of the map is not the surface, but could be, for example, the range 100 ft deep to 200 feet deep. Also the ability to rotate the map would be very helpful. He has presently a IIsi, but with the amount of graphics he wants to do, he may very well need to upgrade so don't limit suggestions to those programs which will run on a IIsi. Thanks for your help. Alan Brown ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 20:11:43 -0600 (CST) From: Eric Durbrow Subject: MaxFax and LineLink modem Is anyone having trouble with the MaxFax and LineLink modem? I can send okay but I can't receive. Prometheus support line is always busy. I would greatly appreciate tips. I've tried reseting the software Option restart and it still does not work. Also, does anyone have trouble with the LineLink understanding the difference between a voice incoming call and an incoming fax. Thanks for any help. Eric Durbrow Dept of Anthropology University of Missouri-Columbia ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 16:53:50 -0500 (EST) From: Joseph Alan Cerro Subject: MIME and Macs Is there a Macintosh utility that can convert MIME-encoded email messages to a Mac-readable form? My UNIX mailer wont convert the files, but I can get them to my Mac (the MIME portion is a MS Word document attachment). TIA, Joe Cerro ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 23:46:09 -17634834 (DST) From: Mark Simpson Subject: Mindvirus:Digital Inteactive Magazine Mindvirus is an interactive, multimedia, electronic meme. It will be released onto the internet and allowed to transfer freely. It is *not* a computer virus but carries cultural viruses from host to host, affecting some as they read, watch and understand new and different cocepts. Through an integrated format of sound, text and graphics Mindvirus explores the realms of techno-shamanism, mind-machine interfaces, new technologies and processes of associated exploration. As these topics become more and more prelevant in our society, Mindvirus will show itself to be the vital link to a forum of developing and quickly expanding topics. If internet access is a problem for some, subscriptions are avaliable and can be easily arranged. We are calling for contributors from around this world to join the forum and to add some of their traits to this meme. It runs on the mac, but if anyone can put it on PC or Aminga format, this would be good. We are currently calling for: Hosts (sites or individuals), internet phriends, contributors and subscribers. If you think you can fulfill any of these roles email us. Email us anyway. If you want it, you can have it. Is good. love Mindflux. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 14:19:37 -0500 (EST) From: LAN Supervisor Subject: Mystery Science Theatre 3000 The hypercard stack mentioned in the subject line has been binhexed TWICE! It was a nightmare downloading it! Josephine Colmenares Fordham University ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 20:02:41 -0600 From: (Vinko Tsui (312) 329-3455) Subject: new Macs anytime soon? (R) >I am thinking buy a Quadra 610. But I don't know if there is any desktop >Mac that Apple is going to announce anytime soon. If there is, the price >of Quadra 610 may drop a little. Does anyone think that the introduction >of PowerMac on March is going to affect the prices of the 68000 Macs? > Li-Hsiang, I do think that the release of PowerPC Macs will definitely affect the prices of some of the 68K Macs. But I don't think that the Quadra 610 prices will be change too much. I belive that the most significant changes will be in the higher end Quadras. I don't think that you will see any more significant 68K Mac releases from now on. The only thing that may be on the horizon is the '040 PowerBook later this year. PS: all of the above are my own personal opinions, I have no official confirmations from Apple or any other sources. :-^) -- Vinko Vinko Enterprises, Oakville, Ontario, Canada, ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 10:13:53 EST From: "Mr. Troy Kelley" Subject: New Mice Sticking My new Quadra came with a fancy new style mouse and it seems to be sticking. It is not a hardware problem, I mean it does not physically stick, but it sticks on the screen, which makes me think that it is a software problem. Or maybe it is a hardware problem that manifests itself on the screen. Whatever, it is getting worse. Anyone heard of this? Is this covered under my warrenty? Is it a software fix kinda problem? Maybe just a patch routine would fix it. Thanks Sick mouse guy ------------------------------ Date: 2 Feb 1994 17:42:22 -0800 From: (Paolo Pizzi) Subject: PowerMac card upgrade vs. real PowerMac computer [Q] writes: >Hi everybody, >there is a special offer from Apple Canada for a "PowerPC upgrade"... >my question is: what are the limitations of, let's say, a Quadra 610 with this >card in comparison to a PowerMac 6100 ? >Does the PowerMac 6100 has many different hardware pieces more, like PCI slots >or strange DSP processors like the AVs ? >Will I be able to run every application (and OS) on the 610 with the card ? >And... does anyone know the telephone number of Apple Canada ? (I live in >Europe!) >Thanx > Paolo The card doesn't run at 66-80Mhz, it just doubles the 040 clock, so if you have say a Quadra 610 you get a PowerPC601 running at 50Mhz. If, on the other hand you have a Quadra 800-650 etc.... you get 66 Mhz. No, before you ask me, you don't get 80Mhz with the 840av, it just isn't supported. :-) The CPU swap is definitely a better solution with 50% more performance than the card with the 610. if I were you I'd spare few hundreds more and get the real thing. The AV will be an OPTION for every PowerPC. As for PCI Apple is planning to include it with future powermacs, for now they'll stick with good ol' nu-bus... (users would have to dump their existing high-end video cards, digitizer, whatever...) To run other OS you would need an emulator as the only thing that power- macs emulate is, well...the mac :-) Insignia Software is going to release SoftWindows as soon as the first powermac rolls out. But don't expect top notch performance as it will be somewhere between a good 386 and a lousy 486. (This information is first-hand from the MacWorld) P. BTW Why Canada? They're NOT going to have the card before the time, maybe they just started advertising and will put callers on a waiting list. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 15:30:08 -0800 From: (Kee Nethery +1 510 843 6140) Subject: Power on/off switches for macs? (A) >I'm looking for information about three products, and haven't been able to >track down contact numbers for the companies that produce them...can anyone >help? >Radiant Enterprises' "Powerswitch LT" Radiant Enterprises Inc. 1714 Stockton St San Francisco CA 94133 415-296-8040 fax 415-392-6860 >Sophisticated Circuits' "Powerkey" Sophisticated Circuits Inc. 19017 120th Ave. NE, Suite 106 Bothell, WA 98011 206-485-7979 couldn't find their e-mail address in my PowerKey manual. >Sequence Electronics' "Smartbar" I remember reading about it but did not save any address information. Kee _________________________________________________________________ Kagi Engineering, 1442-A Walnut #362, Berkeley, CA 94709-1405 USA ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 01 Feb 94 21:49:25 EST From: "Allan M. Bloom" Subject: Puny Floppy Drive Capacity (C) On Mon, 31 Jan, Daniel C. Clark wrote >The other day, I was trying to resurrect a crashed Mac, and I needed to >copy an application to the newly formatted hard disk which wouldn't also >fit on my emergency boot floppy. So I "ejected" the boot disk from the >Special menu and started to copy the application from the its disk. Well, >I go into "Toaster" mode, and finally, 30 or 40 disk swaps later, I'm done. >Any suggestions as to how to avoid this in the future would be very >welcome. You want a suggestion, Daniel? Back up your hard disks. Sheesh! If you do not (like voting in Chicago) do it early and often, why bother us with your complaints and/or wish lists? Any sentient being who has been in this racket more than five minutes knows that it is "when a hard disk dies," not "if." He or she uses a real backup program from which the HD can be recreated in minutes. The whole HD. Not just one piddling program. And if you (1) don't back up and (2) don't like a bunch of floppy copies, why not just reinstall the program? So what's your problem, Daniel? And what does it have to do with Apple's standard floppy sizes? Al Bloom, Virginia Tech ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 18:18:36 -0800 From: (Gabriel M. Schuyler) Subject: Recycling PowerBook Batteries (R) Last time I checked, Apple Dealers are supposed to handle the recycling of dead Powerbook batteries. Whether they ship them to Apple or not, I don't know, perhaps they just throw them in their own trash can (with the way service is going these days, I wouldn't doubt it) but it's not on your conscience. -- Gabriel M. Schuyler VoiceMail/Pager: (415) 280-8985 RIPEM & MIME Welcome ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 02:45:25 EST From: "rocbi::mrgate::a1::krausp" Subject: Request regarding Powerbook DUO Fax From: NAME: Pavel Kraus FUNC: DD TEL: 41 61 68 83543 To: ""@inet@mrgate Dear Sirs, I hope I am on the correct address with my request. If not please tell me where I could find help. I have recently bought a Powerbook Duo 250 with the Apple Duo Express Modem. The fax software that was accompanying the modem was not FAX STF. My whole department is working with FAX STF and we have centrally maintained fax-number files for all our international contacts. For this reason I would like to use FAX STF with my Powerbook Duo. Please could you tell me where besides STF Technologies could give me the initializing command / modem driver and all the other necessary settings I need to install and work with FAX STF on the Duo? I have tried to contact STF distributor, but they do not know... STF Technologies number for technical support is allways busy and their sales department do not know... So I keep trying to get help somewhere. Apple distibutor told me all I need is the modem driver sequence and I think that somebody had to write it already. May be you know the answer. Thank you. Pavel Kraus ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 14:17:39 -0600 From: Robert Cradock Subject: SFD Pop-up Menu Doesn't I'm having a problem with the Standard File Dialogue box pop-up menus. The folder heading above the file list does not have a pop-up triangle in it, and clicking on it has no effect. I *can* use Cmd-up-arrow to move up one folder level, but I can't do it with the mouse. I'm using System 7.0.1, tune-up 1.1.1, on a Mac IIci 5/80. I have tried starting up without extensions, and that does not help. I thought maybe I had a corrupted system file, so I backed up my current system and installed a clean one. This cured the SFD pop-up problem, but I could not get this system to recognize the Comm Toolbox tools I use to connect to our network via DEC's PathWorks.The original, non-popping, system connects with no problem. I also noticed that the new system file (1,733k) is smaller than the old one (1,823k). Using ResEdit, I found that the old system has some resources that the new one does not (several named "ctb[*]", and others). At this point, I'm open to any suggestions. Is there anybody who uses PathWorks who's had trouble after a clean system install? Anybody who's fixed popup menu problems? Anyone? Anyone? Thanks in advance. Bob Cradock Dept of Sociology. Univ of Wisconsin-Madison ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 15:37:37 -0800 From: (Kee Nethery +1 510 843 6140) Subject: Showing off the Internet on a Mac (C) >Okay gang, if you had to show off the potential of the Internet on a >Mac, what combination of hardware, software and net access would you >use? TurboGopher, Mosaic and MacWAIS are the tools I use. The biggest WOW factor I've seen is to take some obscure question from the WOWie and then use the internet tools to find answers. My son needed research info on Yurok Indians and within about 30 minutes I had found and downloaded tons of information. He was impressed. (Difficult to impress a teenager.) Who knows, next time he needs to look up a topic, I might be too busy ;-) and he might want me to teach him how to do the searching on his own. ;-) Kee _________________________________________________________________ Kagi Engineering, 1442-A Walnut #362, Berkeley, CA 94709-1405 USA ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 FEB 94 11:43:0 EST From: Subject: Showing off the Internet on a Mac (R) On 1 Feb 94 Alan D. Bulley wrote: >Okay gang, if you had to show off the potential of the Internet on a >Mac, what combination of hardware, software and net access would you >use? >A certain "wow value" for the demonstration is desirable, but it can't >be the whole focus of the demonstration. It will also be important to >show the research and teaching potential of the Internet. > >Turbogopher and NCSA Mosaic are already on the list -- what would you >add? Some random thoughts in no particular order: 1. Ensure you have the Apple-Event aware helper applications to go along with NCSA Mosaic, especially JPEGView (ver. 3.0 is the latest, I believe), Simple Player (a QuickTime app) and ULAW players. Lots of "WOW" value in these. 2. Look at the server software available for Macintosh. I just got a copy of MacHTTP 1.2.3, a World-Wide-Web Server application that looks fairly complete and easy to use. I'm considering using this for access to reports and data from our materials research. There is also Gopher Surfer from U-Minnesota (I have ver 1.0b3) and FTPd by Peter Lewis, but I haven't tried these much. 3. Other clients you might consider are Fetch from Dartmouth, a very easy-to-use FTP client, Finger by Peter Lewis, and Anarchie, an archie client, also by Peter Lewis. Both Fetch and Anarchie are very useful for filling up hard disks rapidly. These comments represent my own opinions; I am in no way connected with Peter Lewis :-> Bill Cameron ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Feb 1994 16:07:08 EST From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" Subject: SkyWay Shipping Problems We have recently encountered problems with damaged shipments from Apple. Some of these shipments arrived in boxes that were severely damaged as was the equipment inside. All came from Apple through SkyWay. We are curious if any others have encountered shipment problems with Apple shipments from Skyway. If you have had this problem, please let me know some brief particulars. We may have an ear in Apple regarding this problems. Thanks, Jeffrey Fritz West Virginia University ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 94 19:10:31 EST From: (Ted Thibodeau Jr) Subject: SLIP info request I'm looking for implementations of SLIP, CSLIP, or PPP for the Mac. Cheap or free is preferred, of course, but a good implementation that costs Real Money is certainly welcome if it does things that others don't. In particular, I'd like to use the Mac as a serial-to-Ethernet packet gateway. This means taking a packet in on the serial interface and then spitting it out on an Ethernet interface (given a Mac that is suitably equipped, either with builtin Ethernet or a card), and vice versa. Implementations of the above that cannot do this (e.g., the Mac can only be an "end node" and all packets to or from the serial link must be for it and it only) are NOT useful to me (though I suppose you might as well tell me about them, but please note if they can only be used as end-node systems). Thanks much! [This should go without saying, but please respond directly to me even if you follow up to the group; I'll summarize everything I receive in my mailbox, but nothing that is posted is guaranteed to even reach me... This request is being posted after checking over the relevent FAQs; forgive me if I missed a recent revision. ] Thud -- Ted Thibodeau, Jr a/k/a Thud, Fyodor Ilyich Lobachevsky, Zamel 187 Arsenal Street Watertown, MA 02172 617-923-8113 ------------------------------ Date: 2 Feb 1994 10:42:16 U From: "Kauffman James" Subject: Sound balance (Q) I got a new Apple Multimedia Kit for my old IIcx just before Christmas and started hearing the stereo sound from the sound jack on the back of the computer for the first time. All was well until several weeks ago when the sound balance shifted almost totally to the left for sound from the computer. Stereo input which does not go through the computer, i.e. directly from the CD ROM drive, is still normally balanced with the speaker balance control centered. I can just barely balance the sound from the computer by turning the balance adjustment on the speaker system all the way to the right. After experimenting with a walkman and its earphones, I determined that the problem is in the IIcx, not the new speaker system or its cables. My question: do I have a hardware problem in the IIcx, or might there be a software problem? (I'm running System 7.0*) I have zapped the parameter RAM and looked for stereo balance adjustments in control panels to no avail. Jim K. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 02 Feb 1994 23:07:39 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Sound Recording Software I'm looking for your recommendations for a good sound recording/editing program for the Mac. I'd like to record sound clips and edit them together. I know MacRecorder used to be a popular product. Is it still a good buy? I would like to spend less than $300. I have a Duo 230 with a Duo Dock and a Centris 660AV. Thanks, Rick ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 4 Feb 1994 00:01:07 +0800 From: (David Chiu) Subject: Speech Macro editor failed Dear netters, I have just acquired PlainTalk and its software for my 840av. It works fine, except..... When I want to record a speech macro using the speech macro editor, after I press the stop button, nothing appears. No translated script for my action. Pressing the run button (or tell Vivien to run my script) yields nothing....Sigh! I have tried reinstalling everything. From plaintalk s/w to system itself. :~( Would someone show me the way??! Thank you Rgds, David Chiu ( Dept. Biochem., Hong Kong U. of Sci & Tech ------------------------------ Date: Thu Feb 3 07:55:50 1994 From: (Capt Jon Dagle;86OSS/DOW;480-2822;93-6194) Subject: StyleWriterII Driver/Chooser7.3/Orig SW Problem I am having problems with the StyleWriter II driver v1.2 with a StyleWriter (I). Hopefully someone out there can assist: -- I downlowded the StyleWriter II install disk image from The first problem is that the file "stylewriter-ii-intall.hqx" is a compressed disk image for the first of several install disks. I tried to install just the driver and new Chooser 7.3, but even this requires the second disk. So I resorted to drag-copying the driver and Chooser to my system. -- Now, when I print to the SW II driver (attached to the printer port), my internal modem is activated and print monitor eventually returns with "a prining error". I have tried deactivating all (except SW II) extentions and various combinations of extensions with no luck. -- Here's where it gets weird: When I attach the printer to the ext modem port and select external modem from PowerBook control pannel I can print. It seems that the Chooser is not recognising my instruction to choose the printer port. My system is a Mac PB 165c w/8MB RAM, internal GV PowerPort Gold, with many, many extenstions and CPs. As I mentioned, I tried with the min ext's required to run my system with no luck. HELP! TIA Jonathan Dagle Ramstein Air Base, Germany ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 01 Feb 1994 20:55:17 EST From: acpwvw!wvwc!wvwc.! Subject: Supercard XCMDS I am trying to record from Supercard. I have not had much luck. Has anyone succeeded at the task of getting the audio palette from Hypercard to work with Supercard? Or, does anyone know of any XMDS that will allow sound manipulation with Hypercard or Supercard? Thanks in advance.. Neil.. ------------------------------ Date: 3 Feb 1994 10:36:37 U From: "Benjamin Grossman" Subject: System Boot Logger Subject: Time:10:16 AM OFFICE MEMO System Boot Logger Date:2/3/94 I am looking for some piece of software that will create a log showing entries for just these two things: SYSTEM STARTUP with Date and Time SYSTEM SHUTDOWN/RESTART with Date and Time This would be an invaluable tool for me to use in trying to figure out if something is actually wrong with the 200+ assorted File Servers, Routers, Mail Servers and other network service Macs that I support. If anyone knows of a package that will do this (FreeWare is best, but we will pay for it if necessary), please reply directly to me. Benjamin k Grossman Network Administrator, Lake Washington School District, Kirkland WA USA ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 19:37:35 -0600 From: (Vinko Tsui (312) 329-3455) Subject: System Software Memory Usage (R2) >> If you do "About this Macintosh", you only get a total of the memory >> used by the system. Is there some way to get more detail?? I am >> trying to figure out which INITS, etc take up memory, how much, and >> so on. Any utils that give more detail than the Finder provides??? > >Now Software's Startup Manager (part of Now Utilities) does provide >information on INITs. It gives size (which I think is the file size >on disk), amount of memory used and where that memory is being taken >from (system heap, high RAM, etc.) > Jeffery is correct in pointing out the Now Software utility. The stand alone application from Now Software that does what you want is called "Now Profiler" which is also part of Now Utilities at one time. I hope this helps! -- Vinko Vinko Enterprises, Oakville, Ontario, Canada, ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 01 Feb 94 21:03:43 EST From: "Allan M. Bloom" Subject: Ted Howard Question (A?) On Tue, 1 Feb, Ted Howard wrote >Need help on address for 'tell' command from IBM to get Info-Mac files. [You need more help that that, Ted. says mail svc is unavailable to you. You are obviously a very naughty boy. Here is what I tried to send you direct -- Al] Say what, Ted? If you mean from an IBM mainframe on BitNet, I can help. TELL LISTSERV AT RICEVM1 $MACARCH INDEX ALL will get you a directory of the info-mac archives. It may be a day or so behind what the I-M digest says has been posted. Have patience. Rice also doesn't have the whole IM archive. Some files will be listed as TOO-OLD. Tacky, but space is limited. Once you have the directory of files, get one you're fond of by TELL LISTSERV AT RICEVM1 $MACARCH GET filename You don't need the full pathname. Just the file name. Hope this helps. Al Bloom, Virginia Tech PS: I was in Chatanooga last year. Never saw the Rock of Chickamauga. I was terribly disappointed. Need I add a here? ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 1994 14:54:49 -0500 (EST) From: STACEY Donahue Subject: ThinPack and PowerPlate I erased my Info-Mac posting without getting the name of the person collecting the info comparing these two products. Would send me what you've found out so far. Thanks ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 22:39:25 -0500 From: (Li-Hsiang Tu) Subject: Timbuktu 5.0 (Q) Does Timbuktu 5.0 work with ethernet, or just LocalTalk? If it does woth with ethernet, how smooth is the control? ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 94 15:20:40 -0500 From: Subject: Upgrading the Macintosh version of Mathcad ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CC:Mail To SMTP Converted Message.......vjd 9/27/93.................Version 1.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- Forwarded with Changes --------------------------- From: STRAURIG at NCALAN2 Date: 2/2/94 3:01PM To: at INTERNET Subject: Upgrading the Macintosh version of Mathcad ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi folks, Attached below is a copy of an electonic mail message that I have sent to MathSoft. What prompted me to do this was a mailing I received announcing the latest version of Matchcad for Windows, and rather arrogantly suggesting that I should switch to a Windows machine to run it. Needless to say I was somewhat taken aback, and certainly not pleased, since I was already angry with MathSoft from the last time they upgraded Mathcad for Windows, but not for the Mac. Now us Mac users are two versions behind. I will give them a lot of credit for listening, though. In fact, their CEO personally returned the phone call I made to them to inquire about the above subject. He suggested it wouldn't be a bad idea to see if the network really thought that Mathsoft was making a mistake by not pursuing the Mac market anymore. So, if anyone is upset by this, drop a line to Ms. Betty Nugent, the Matchcad marketing director, at Thanks, Scott Traurig ( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ attachment follows: 2 February 1994 Scott Traurig Principle Systems Engineer Lockheed Sanders, Inc. Betty Nugent Mathcad Marketing Director MathSoft, Inc. Dear Ms. Nugent, I am writing to you at the suggestion of your CEO, who was extremely kind to return my telephone call inquiring as to why MathSoft has now produced two new versions of Mathcad for Windows, but with no accompanying upgrades to the Macintosh version. Your CEO agreed with me that in this age of object oriented programming languages and multi-platform development environments, developing for multiple platforms was not an issue. However, he explained that marketing for multiple platforms is the major expense involved in selling a piece of software. Obviously, either the Mac market for Mathcad is too small, or us Mac Mathcad users are simply a quiet enough bunch to make it appear that way. In the hope that the latter is true, I am sending you this letter as a concerned Mac user, and will be posting copies to various newgroups on the internet in the hope that others will write and express their desire for an up to date version of Mathcad for the Mac as well. I think that Mathcad, although perhaps not the most powerful math program available for the Mac, is one of the most useable, and tools that are easy to master get used more often. Certainly your new version for Windows is easier to use still. It would be a shame to have to switch to a competitor's product, because I am certainly not going to switch to a Windows platform that takes more time to maintain than learning to use all the other competitor's products put together. Clearly, to purchase a Windows machine for the sole purpose of running Mathcad also does not make sense, and few of us have the luxury of multiple computers on our desktops. Please let me know if I should soldier on with my copy of version 3.1 until a new Mac version comes out, or if I should start looking for a new symbolic math program. Regards, Scott Traurig ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 09:00:04 +0100 From: (Karl Pottie) Subject: uploaded files. >Date: Mon, 31 Jan 1994 17:21:12 -0600 >From: (JOSHUA GOLUB 708-304-7573) >Subject: [*] ZoneRanger 1.0.0 > >enclosed is version 1.0.0 of the ZoneRanger utility. a description of the >utility is below, followed by a list of the new features and bug fixes in >this version. > >please send any bugs, comments or suggestions to: > >joshua golub >62 timber hill road >buffalo grove, il 60089-1925 >708-304-7573 > > >[Archived as /info-mac/dev/zone-ranger-100.hqx; 161K] I quite understand the info-mac moderators want to shorten the headers of uploaded files to make the digest smaller, but this is too short to know what the archive is all about. When I downloaded the file and read the full header, I discovered I didn't need this file. Moderators: please make sure we can still determine from the description what the file is all about. [Actually, we rarely edit the blurbs that come in with postings. The blurbs are up to the submitter of the posting. We also have no desire to remove useful information from the digest. A longer description (there have been descriptions that have gone on for pages) would not be excised for that reason alone. -Gordon] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Feb 1994 08:21:31 -0700 From: neese@spot.Colorado.EDU (Tim Neese) Subject: Using aliases with Appleshare Good morning, One of the things I like best about aliases is to make an alias of an Appleshare server and put it in the Apple Menu so that you can log onto a server with one step rather than the three required by do so through the Chooser. I also like the fact that the alias remembers when someone changes the username so that people sharing a machine can still use the alias. The nuisance, however, comes when someone logs on as a Guest with the alias because it only logs on as a guest when selected from that point on. Am I missing something here? Is there some way (modifier key?) to keep such an alias from remembering guest connections while still retaining changes made when connecting as a registered user? Could this be done with an extension and does anyone know someone who might be interested in creating one? Thanks for any suggestions. Tim ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 94 11:40:13 PST From: "Jef Kennedy" Subject: Wanted: Tone dialer wanted I've seen any number of phone dialer submissions that use an attached modem to dial a phone, but with a Powerbook-on-the-go with no modem or available phone line, these programs don't work. I have seen a couple of commercial programs that dial the phone using the speaker. One simply holds a phone's handset close to the computer and tells the computer to dial. Pretty cool. Does anyone have a program similar to Matthew Blain's QuickDial 1.4 submission that will tone dial (is DTMF the right acronym to use?) a number sitting in the clipboard? Anyone want to write one? Added value: make it smart enough to be able to be told the current area code and preface dialed numbers with appropriate long distance access stuff. That would be *really* cool! Jef ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Feb 94 12:46:44 -0500 From: (Jennifer Eastman) Subject: Wanted: Wedding clip art Does anyone know where I can find any wedding- related clip art? I'm willing to look at commercial products as well as shareware and freeware. Please, no CD-ROM commercial titles, since I don't have access to a CD-ROM drive. Thanks in advance, Jen Eastman ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 94 15:17:57 MST From: (Steve Pothier) Subject: What is the current HyperCard version? What's the latest version of HyperCard? What does it provide over the previous version? Is someone providing a low cost upgrade? I know this is probably on a FAQ somewhere but that would require getting connected to something and the net seems to be more than a little busy lately. Thanks, -Pothier- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Feb 94 10:16:34 PST From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator) (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for; Tue, 1 Feb 1994 02:23:47 -0800 Received: by (uA-1.6v2); Mon, 31 Jan 94 21:42:28 PDT From: (Adam C. Engst) To:, MAC-L@YALEVM.BITNET Subject: [*] TidBITS#211/31-Jan-94 Date: Mon, 31 Jan 94 21:42:28 PDT Organization: TidBITS Reply-To: (Adam C. Engst) Message-Id: X-Mailer: uAccess - Macintosh Release: 1.6v2 TidBITS#211/31-Jan-94 More details about Apple's new technologies this week, followed by problems with the Newton OS 1.05 upgrade, a new stylus for the Newton, a new internal CD drive style, and some pointers to repetitive stress injury resources on the Internet. Finally we review Anarchie, a fabulous piece of shareware from Peter Lewis that simplifies searching for and retrieving files on the Internet. Topics: MailBITS/31-Jan-94 RSI News New Technology Comments Caveat Emptor, or What's Weak This Week Newton 1.05 Upgrade "Sucks" Apple Improves CD Drive Stylish Stylus Anarchie Rules Reviews/31-Jan-94 [Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-211.etx; 30K] -- Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Editor -- -- Author of The Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh -- ------------------------------ End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************